Wednesday, July 29, 2020



Yesterday I was watching the sparrows pluck sunflower seeds out of the ripe flower. One little bird kept trying to get the seeds and couldn’t. He stood up straight and cocked his head as if to question, “Why isn’t this working for me?” Then he figured it out. He had to see it from a different direction. He had to hang upside down on the flower, and then he could get all the seeds he wanted. Sometimes God urges us to see things from a different perspective, to get the blessing He’s got for us.

I understood what God was showing me: At work when people made errors, I got to fix them. When details weren’t carried out, I got to finish them up. When things got sloppy, I got to clean them up. All these things used to get me irritated, but now I realize it’s not my job to change the way people are; only God can do that. So instead of getting irritated, I take it as a blessing because it just makes my prosperity grow.

I’ve heard lots of teachings on Proverbs 13:22: “The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” In Hebrew, the word “sinner” is defined as “one who misses the way, misses the goal or path of right, one who wanders from the way, forfeits something good, misses the mark, like an archer missing the goal.” I always thought it was only talking about cash money that a sinner might have stored up, that would eventually, miraculously come our way. I’m sure it can happen, but God showed me another way of looking at it.

The Holy Spirit prompted me: “What else can a sinner be wealthy in?” I answered: “Laziness, sloppiness, little attention to detail, fear.” There are many other things included in a sinner’s wealth. Try to name a few. But keep in mind we all sin, so others are going to make extra cash off our mistakes too. It’s a universal thing. We don’t want to sin, but it’s great to know that the Lord has already provided a rather nice circle of fixing up each other’s messes. This circular process makes for the distribution of prosperity.

Now, instead of getting irritated or disgusted at people’s errors or perceived faults, I see them as a way the Lord is getting me more prosperity, and I’m thankful to receive. I have a friend who works in auditing. Her entire income is based on her ability to find mistakes and problems. It’s great to see ourselves as the ones who search for and find solutions.

I’ve always believed Philippians 4:13: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Where the supply comes from, or how it comes, or what we are to do to facilitate our blessing, may require us to understand events from a different perspective.

We may be the ones, who like the little bird, discover that the seeds of blessing come when we are hanging upside down. From that perspective, the goodies come from looking up.
Love, Carolyn

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