Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I opened the sliding glass door and out he went past the patio to take a leak (the dog, that is). The next thing I know, I hear a yelp and Spike’s limping back into the house. He must have gotten his foot caught in one of the loops of the new vine I planted. I figured he might have just pulled it a little and was being extra cautious. He was favoring the foot, and still limping, but it didn’t seem too bad. But the next day it took a turn.

In the morning Spike couldn’t put any pressure on it at all and I had to lift his 35 pounds of cuteness to take him anywhere, including outside to do his business. Jane and I got together and prayed for him. As I prayed, I realized that I couldn’t pray for Holy Spirit in him to work on the healing from the inside out. He’s a dog. Dogs don’t have Holy Spirit inside. But in the next instant it came to me that God created dogs. If it was something really serious, God could even provide a miracle of healing and create a part. But God also created animals’ bodies having the capacity to heal just like our bodies were given that capacity, with white blood cells, etc. So what was I going to pray for?

I got the revelation to pray and believe that his healing process would speed up, and I had a scripture to back it up: “I the Lord will hasten it in his time” (Is 60:22). What a great promise! I’ve put my faith out by revelation on this speeding up process many times with super results. This was one of those times and I thank our God for it.

By the afternoon, Spike could put pressure on the leg and the next morning he was bouncing down the hallway once again. Even if it was only sprained, normally it would have taken longer to totally heal, but the Lord speeded up the process just like He inspired me to pray for.

Luke 12:6 says God doesn’t even forget about one sparrow, “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?” Psalm 104:14 says, “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle” and there’s lots of scriptures telling us He feeds and takes care of the wild animals too. We can be assured that the Lord cares about our pets.

Love, Carolyn

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