Wednesday, March 11, 2015


My nighttime snacking pretty much under control, I measured out the amount of chips I wanted and a small chocolate cupcake. Great. However… the next two nights didn’t go as well.

I didn’t plan or measure anything! I opened a bag of edamame chips and gorged myself then followed with two chocolate cupcakes and a rather large high calorie beverage. The next day as I sat down to relax before bed, I wondered, “Why didn’t Jane say anything to me about my over-snacking the past two nights?” I quickly got the answer.

I had to stop thinking she was going to be my crutch and help me every time I let loose of my self-control and started binging. If I was going to conquer this evening snacking thing, I had to make it my own.

I had to own up to it myself, take responsibility for my actions, not depend on someone else to monitor me. I had to monitor me!

The Apostle Paul said, “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection” (1 Cor 9:27). And he says in Galatians that one of the fruits of the spirit is self-control. “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal 5:22 and 24). Well, I’m Christ’s, so I’m one who can crucify the flesh too. It looks like I need to have a stern talk to my body and tell it who’s in charge—the spirit part of me!

My snacking may seem like a small thing to some of you, but to me it’s important because I want to be strong and healthy for many years to come. Overeating at night I’ll just get fat and that’s not going to help me at all. But the same principle applies in many categories.

It’s time to own up to our weaknesses in the flesh, and if we can, throw away the crutches and receive the self-control God says we have, bringing our bodies into subjection to those things that we know are best for us.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Some of the habits we have are immature, childish and foolish and we need to be the parent to those parts of us that are being stupid. Start training that unruly part just like good parents train their kids, with constant repetition and love. It’s time to be a grownup!

Love, Carolyn
My WINGS books are available on Amazon and they’re very affordable, $.99, $2.99, and the printed book for under $12.00.

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